Scans input matrix to find and merge near integration sites.
This function scans the input integration matrix to detect eventual integration sites that are too "near" to each other and merges them into single integration sites adjusting their values if needed.
threshold = 4,
is_identity_tags = c("chromosome", "is_strand"),
keep_criteria = c("max_value", "keep_first"),
value_columns = c("seqCount", "fragmentEstimate"),
max_value_column = "seqCount",
sample_id_column = pcr_id_column(),
additional_agg_lambda = list(.default = default_rec_agg_lambdas()),
max_workers = 4,
map_as_file = TRUE,
file_path = default_report_path(),
strand_specific = lifecycle::deprecated()
- x
An integration matrix
- threshold
A single integer that represents an absolute number of bases for which two integrations are considered distinct. If the threshold is set to 3 it means, provided fields
are the same, integrations sites which have at least 3 bases in between them are considered distinct.Character vector of tags that identify the integration event as distinct (except for
). See details.- keep_criteria
While scanning, which integration should be kept? The 2 possible choices for this parameter are:
"max_value": keep the integration site which has the highest value (and collapse other values on that integration).
"keep_first": keeps the first integration
- value_columns
Character vector, contains the names of the numeric experimental columns
- max_value_column
The column that has to be considered for searching the maximum value
- sample_id_column
The name of the column containing the sample identifier
- additional_agg_lambda
A named list containing aggregating functions for additional columns. See details.
- max_workers
Maximum parallel workers allowed
- map_as_file
Produce recalibration map as a .tsv file?
- file_path
String representing the path were the file will be saved. Must be a folder. Relevant only if
.- strand_specific
The concept of "near"
An integration event is uniquely identified by all fields specified in
the mandatory_IS_vars()
look-up table. It can happen to find IS that
are formally distinct (different combination of values in the fields),
but that should not considered distinct in practice,
since they represent the same integration event - this may be due
to artefacts at the putative locus of the IS in the merging of multiple
sequencing libraries.
We say that an integration event IS1 is near to another integration event
IS2 if the absolute difference of their loci is strictly lower than the
set threshold
The IS identity
There is also another aspect to be considered. Since the algorithm is based on a sliding window mechanism, on which groups of IS should we set and slide the window?
By default, we have 3 fields in the mandatory_IS_vars()
chr, integration_locus, strand, and we assume that all the fields
contribute to the identity of the IS. This means that IS1 and IS2 can be
compared only if they have the same chromosome and the same strand.
However, if we would like to exclude the strand of the integration from
our considerations then IS1 and IS2 can be selected from all the events
that fall on the same chromosome. A practical example:
IS1 = (chr = "1", strand = "+", integration_locus = 14568)
IS2 = (chr = "1", strand = "-", integration_locus = 14567)
if is_identity_tags = c("chromosome", "is_strand")
IS1 and IS2 are
considered distinct because they differ in strand, therefore no correction
will be applied to loci of either of the 2.
If is_identity_tags = c("chromosome")
then IS1 and IS2 are considered
near, because the strand is irrelevant, hence one of the 2 IS will change
Aggregating near IS
IS that fall in the same interval are evaluated according to the criterion selected - if recalibration is necessary, rows with the same sample ID are aggregated in a single row with a quantification value that is the sum of all the merged rows.
If the input integration matrix contains annotation columns, that is additional columns that are not
part of the mandatory IS vars (see
)part of the annotation IS vars (see
)the sample identifier column
the quantification column
it is possible to specify how they should be aggregated.
Defaults are provided for each column type (character, integer, numeric...),
but custom functions can be specified as a named list, where names are
column names in x
and values are functions to be applied.
NOTE: functions must be purrr-style lambdas and they must perform some kind
of aggregating operation, aka they must take a vector as input and return
a single value. The type of the output should match the type of the
target column. If you specify custom lambdas, provide defaults in the
special element .defaults
numeric_col = ~ sum(.x),
char_col = ~ paste0(.x, collapse = ", "),
.defaults = default_rec_agg_lambdas()
We do recommend to use this function in combination with comparison_matrix to automatically perform re-calibration on all quantification matrices.
Required tags
The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:
See also
Other Data cleaning and pre-processing:
data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
rec <- compute_near_integrations(
x = integration_matrices, map_as_file = FALSE
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> chr integration_locus strand GeneName GeneStrand CompleteAmplificationID
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 8607357 + RERE - PJ01_POOL01_LTR27LC94_PT00…
#> 2 1 8607357 + RERE - PJ01_POOL01_LTR83LC46_PT00…
#> 3 1 8607357 + RERE - PJ01_POOL01_LTR83LC66_PT00…
#> 4 1 8607357 + RERE - PJ01_POOL01_LTR53LC32_PT00…
#> 5 1 8607357 + RERE - PJ01_POOL02_LTR87LC74_PT00…
#> 6 1 8850362 + RERE - PJ01_POOL03_LTR51LC86_PT00…
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: seqCount <dbl>, fragmentEstimate <dbl>