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Import functions

Importing integration matrices and metadata from files

import_association_file() stable
Import the association file from disk
import_Vispa2_stats() stable
Import Vispa2 stats given the aligned association file.
import_single_Vispa2Matrix() stable
Import a single integration matrix from file
import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices() stable
Import integration matrices from paths in the association file.

Data cleaning and pre-processing

annotation_issues() experimental
Check for genomic annotation problems in IS matrices.
compute_near_integrations() stable
Scans input matrix to find and merge near integration sites.
remove_collisions() stable
Identifies and removes collisions.
realign_after_collisions() stable
Re-aligns matrices of other quantification types based on the processed sequence count matrix.
outlier_filter() experimental
Filter out outliers in metadata, identified by the chosen outlier test.
outliers_by_pool_fragments() stable
Identify and flag outliers based on pool fragments.
aggregate_metadata() stable
Performs aggregation on metadata contained in the association file.
aggregate_values_by_key() stable
Aggregates matrices values based on specified key.

Analysis functions

compute_abundance() stable
Computes the abundance for every integration event in the input data frame.
top_integrations() stable
Sorts and keeps the top n integration sites based on the values in a given column.
top_targeted_genes() experimental
Top n targeted genes based on number of IS.
sample_statistics() stable
Computes user specified functions on numerical columns and updates the metadata data frame accordingly.
CIS_grubbs() stable
Grubbs test for Common Insertion Sites (CIS).
CIS_grubbs_overtime() experimental
Compute CIS and Grubbs test over different time points and groups.
gene_frequency_fisher() experimental
Compute Fisher's exact test on gene frequencies.
cumulative_is() experimental
Expands integration matrix with the cumulative IS union over time.
is_sharing() stable
Sharing of integration sites between given groups.
purity_filter() stable
Filter integration sites based on purity.
iss_source() stable
Find the source of IS by evaluating sharing.
HSC_population_size_estimate() stable
Hematopoietic stem cells population size estimate.

Plotting functions

CIS_volcano_plot() stable
Trace volcano plot for computed CIS data.
top_cis_overtime_heatmap() experimental
Heatmaps for the top N common insertion sites over time.
Plot of the estimated HSC population size for each patient.
integration_alluvial_plot() stable
Alluvial plots for IS distribution in time.
Summary top abundant tableGrobs for plots.
sharing_heatmap() stable
Plot IS sharing heatmaps.
sharing_venn() stable
Produce tables to plot sharing venn or euler diagrams.
circos_genomic_density() stable
Trace a circos plot of genomic densities.
fisher_scatterplot() stable
Plot results of gene frequency Fisher's exact test.

Utility functions

as_sparse_matrix() stable
Converts tidy integration matrices in the original sparse matrix form.
Create a blank association file.
Creates a reduced association file for a VISPA2 run, given project and pool
Retrieve description of a tag by name.
All available tags for dynamic vars look-up tables.
set_mandatory_IS_vars() set_annotation_IS_vars() set_af_columns_def() set_iss_stats_specs()
Define custom dynamic vars.
reset_mandatory_IS_vars() reset_annotation_IS_vars() reset_af_columns_def() reset_iss_stats_specs() reset_matrix_file_suffixes() reset_dyn_vars_config()
Resets dynamic vars to the default values.
mandatory_IS_vars() annotation_IS_vars() association_file_columns() iss_stats_specs() matrix_file_suffixes()
Current dynamic vars specifications getters.
Sets the look-up table for matrix file suffixes.
Export a dynamic vars settings profile.
Import a dynamic vars settings profile.
Easily retrieve the name of the pcr id column.
Apply transformations to an arbitrary number of columns.
comparison_matrix() stable
Obtain a single integration matrix from individual quantification matrices.
separate_quant_matrices() stable
Separate a multiple-quantification matrix into single quantification matrices.
Generate a default folder structure, following VISPA2 standards
Enable global progress bars for ISAnalytics functions.
Launch the shiny application NGSdataExplorer.

Exported variables and helpers

Possible choices for the dates_format parameter in import_association_file, import_parallel_vispa2Matrices_interactive and import_parallel_vispa2Matrices_auto.
Possible choices for the matching_opt parameter.
Possible choices for the quantification_type parameter.
Names of the columns of the association file to consider for Vispa2 launch.
A set of pre-defined functions for sample_statistics.
Clinical relevant suspicious genes (for mouse and human).
Known clinical oncogenes (for mouse and human).
A character vector containing all the names of the currently supported outliers tests that can be called in the function outlier_filter.
Default blood lineages info
Default regex prefixes for Vispa2 stats files.
Default metadata aggregation function table
Default folder for saving ISAnalytics reports. Supplied as default argument for several functions.
Required columns for refGene file.
Default transformations to apply to association file columns.
Defaults for column aggregations in compute_near_integrations().


import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices_interactive() defunct
Import integration matrices from association file.
import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices_auto() defunct
Import integration matrices from association file.
cumulative_count_union() defunct
Integrations cumulative count in time by sample
unzip_file_system() deprecated
A utility function to unzip and use example file systems included in the package
threshold_filter() deprecated
Filter data frames with custom predicates


Example of association file.
Example of imported multi-quantification integration matrices.
proto_oncogenes tumor_suppressors
Data frames for proto-oncogenes (human and mouse) amd tumor-suppressor genes from UniProt.
refGenes_hg19 refGenes_mm9
Gene annotation files for hg19, mm9 and mm10.