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[Stable] Statistical approach for the validation of common insertion sites significance based on the comparison of the integration frequency at the CIS gene with respect to other genes contained in the surrounding genomic regions. For more details please refer to this paper:


  genomic_annotation_file = "hg19",
  grubbs_flanking_gene_bp = 1e+05,
  threshold_alpha = 0.05,
  by = NULL,
  return_missing_as_df = TRUE,
  results_as_list = TRUE



An integration matrix, must include the mandatory_IS_vars() columns and the annotation_IS_vars() columns


Database file for gene annotation, see details.


Number of base pairs flanking a gene


Significance threshold


Either NULL or a character vector of column names. If not NULL, the function will perform calculations for each group and return a list of data frames with the results. E.g. for by = "SubjectID", CIS will be computed for each distinct SubjectID found in the table ("SubjectID" column must be included in the input data frame).


Returns those genes present in the input df but not in the refgenes as a data frame?


If TRUE return the group computations as a named list, otherwise return a single df with an additional column containing the group id


A data frame


Genomic annotation file

A data frame containing genes annotation for the specific genome. From version 1.5.4 the argument genomic_annotation_file accepts only data frames or package provided defaults. The user is responsible for importing the appropriate tabular files if customization is needed. The annotations for the human genome (hg19) and murine genome (mm9) are already included in this package: to use one of them just set the argument genomic_annotation_file to either "hg19" or "mm9". If for any reason the user is performing an analysis on another genome, this file needs to be changed respecting the USCS Genome Browser format, meaning the input file headers should include:

name2, chrom, strand, min_txStart, max_txEnd, minmax_TxLen, average_TxLen, name, min_cdsStart, max_cdsEnd, minmax_CdsLen, average_CdsLen

Required tags

The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:

  • chromosome

  • locus

  • is_strand

  • gene_symbol

  • gene_strand


data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
cis <- CIS_grubbs(integration_matrices)
#> Error in, n = Inf): argument 2 matches multiple formal arguments
#> Error: object 'cis' not found