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This function takes a named list of purr-style lambdas where names are the names of the columns in the data frame that must be transformed. NOTE: the columns are overridden, not appended.


transform_columns(df, transf_list)



The data frame on which transformations should be operated


A named list of purrr-style lambdas, where names are column names the function should be applied to.


A data frame with transformed columns


Lambdas provided in input must be transformations, aka functions that take in input a vector and return a vector of the same length as the input.

If the input transformation list contains column names that are not present in the input data frame, they are simply ignored.


df <- tibble::tribble(
    ~A, ~B, ~C, ~D,
    1, 2, "a", "aa",
    3, 4, "b", "bb",
    5, 6, "c", "cc"
lambdas <- list(A = ~ .x + 1, B = ~ .x + 2, C = ~ stringr::str_to_upper(.x))
transform_columns(df, lambdas)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>       A     B C     D    
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1     2     4 A     aa   
#> 2     4     6 B     bb   
#> 3     6     8 C     cc